The Toll (2021)

Watch The Toll 2021 movie full free streaming online in 720p HD cinema quality without any membership. The beginning of The Toll leads us to think of a serial killer chasing his next unwary prey, but that’s not the case, or at least not entirely. Michael Nader (making his feature film directorial debut) wisely leads us – and many times – to believe that Spencer is a predator – starting with the preamble in the car -, and this doubt persists in fact throughout the story. Yet, from a certain moment on, the focus of the speech and the main threat change exponentially .

From a psychological thriller, The Toll suddenly becomes a paranormal horror , and this second narrative level is decidedly less convincing than the first.

On the one hand, in fact, the tension continues to be built on suspicion. Cami glimpses countless signs of guilt, but each time these are denied, or at least they can be explained in a more or less logical way. Spencer, for his part, is decidedly unique , but not necessarily dangerous. He himself admits that his interpersonal skills are very poor and, for this reason, it is strange, at times disturbing. His actions, however, suggest that he is, on the contrary, a good guy. When, therefore, the car turns off in the middle of nowhere, on a secondary road and jumps the GPS, initially Cami suspects he did it on purpose, but then one of the sinister presences enters the scene.

Movie Overview

Title: The Toll (2021)
Genres: 2021 Movies | Horror, Thriller
Directors: Michael Nader
Writer: Michael Nader
Stars: Jordan Hayes, Max Topplin, James McGowan