In this movie Dan Lawson, a seasoned Chicago detective portrayed by Jackson, embarks on a journey to Scotland. His mission? To collaborate with Scottish Detective Boyd, played by Capaldi, in pursuit of a chilling serial killer. The killer’s modus operandi eerily mirrors a case Lawson investigated in Chicago five years prior, still haunting him. As they delve into the dark abyss of the killer’s psyche, uncovering twisted motives and cryptic clues, Lawson and Boyd must navigate cultural differences and personal demons to bring justice to the victims and closure to their own haunted pasts. Follow Goojara for more.
Damaged Movie Online Free Streaming
Title: Damaged (2024)
Genres: 2024 Movies | Action, Crime, Drama
Director: Terry McDonough
Writer: Paul Aniello, Gianni Capaldi, Koji Steven Sakai
Stars: Samuel L. Jackson, Vincent Cassel, Gianni Capaldi