Watch Firestarter 2022 Movie Goojara free online for streaming in full HD quality without any cost. This section is perhaps its great asset, since it is part of a book by an author such as Stephen King , who is not another thing, but is an expert in telling horror stories. Without having read the book, the raw story interests me.
But since it has been brought to the big screen, it has not caught my attention. Part of a suggestive introduction, it shows us a baby with great power that she is not able to control, to later show us who her parents are and where they come from.
The approach of the parents, and of the rest of the characters, is so cliché that it does not allow us to connect emotionally with them. We barely get to know them, not even in the very end of the film, generating indifference in the viewer.
Its development and outcome are disappointing, a plot that is narrated in a rush, barely 94 minutes long, but at the same time manages to have bland moments and make the tension routine. Watch more Goojara Online Free Movies for streaming in HD video quality.
Firestarter Movie Free Streaming
Title: Firestarter (2022)
Genres: 2022 Movies | Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
Directors: Keith Thomas
Writer: Stephen King, Scott Teems
Stars: Zac Efron, Ryan Kiera Armstrong, Sydney Lemmon